Your Boobs Deserve ThirdLove

Bar'bra Boulders stars at the new face of ThirdLove's brand campaign, Your Boobs Deserves ThirdLove.

“I see it all the time, women choosing to stick with a bad bra, sometimes for years. All I can do is point them in the right direction. As I like to say, ThirdLove’s the charm.”

Meet Bar’Bra Boulders, Bra-lationship Coach, winner of the Nipple Peace Prize, and star of our latest brand campaign. She’s on a mission to let women everywhere know that there is a better option for you, and your boobs — it’s called ThirdLove.

Remember: your true fit is out there. Visit our Fitting Room to find your actual bra size, and personalized style recommendations, or when in doubt our tried-and-true customer favorites are a great place to start.